TEST: Can You See All These Color Shades? (Winifred Stanley)
The important thing here is to first look at our colors, make an educated guess which color is correct and then locate that code on the color plate. With this tool you can put it on some "walls" before you even paint. The proper mixture of cones being fired up allows us to see those colors.
Colors are grouped in color schemes, such as complementary, split complementary or triad.
In my head, I am counting the number of letters in.
This can cause subtle differences in how we perceive color, particularly under faint light—for example, stars that for some people look red, look white with maybe a pinkish hint to others. People who report a lifelong history of such experiences are known as synesthetes. Also, you may see CC Met on the color plate which means Clearcoat Metallic and is not part of the color code.
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