Cartridge HP PageWide L0R17YC cyan, 981Y - CONTRACT ... (Katherine Edwards)
Wi-Fi® network of a wireless direct-capable MFP or printer prior to printing. Minimize downtime with HP PageWide Technology that delivers reliable performance businesses demand. I d ea l for e n te r p rises a n d m e d ium bu sin ess es t h at n e e d a s e cu re, h ighly p rod uc tive, e ne rg y-e f fic ie nt color MF P..
A large, user-friendly touch screen makes operational tasks fast and efficient.
Depending on mobile device, an app or driver may also be required.
Get the results you expect for a game-changing low cost per colour page.. HP's outstanding print quality means you can produce a diverse range of printed material with a professional finish. Trust that this HP PageWide Managed MFP is secure from power-up to power-down.
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